King’s Cliffe Endowed Primary School is fully committed to achieving the maximum inclusion of all children, whilst meeting their individual needs. This includes vulnerable learners who have Special Educational Needs (SEN), those children that use English as an Additional Language (EAL) and those children with ethnic minority heritage. We provide access to the curriculum for all children. All Staff have a responsibility for maximising the achievement of every child. This is achieved by offering differentiated learning opportunities for all children within the school and providing materials appropriate to their interests and abilities. The school focuses on individual achievement as the main indicator of success.
We endeavour to achieve maximum inclusion of all children (including vulnerable learners) whilst meeting their individual needs. Teachers provide differentiated learning opportunities for all the children within the school and provide materials appropriate to children’s interests and abilities. This ensures that all children have a full access to the school curriculum.
We focus on individual progress as the main indicator of success, and we strive to make a clear distinction between “underachievement” – often caused by a poor early experience of learning - and special educational needs.
Other pupils will genuinely have special educational needs and this may lead to lower-attainment (though not necessarily to under-achievement). It is our responsibility to ensure that pupils with special educational needs have the maximum opportunity to attain and make progress in line with their peers. Accurate assessment of need and carefully planned programmes, which address the root causes of any learning difficulty, are essential ingredients of success for these pupils. These will be provided, initially, through additional support funded from the devolved schools budget.
You can find out more about how we support inclusion in our Inclusion and SEND Policy which can be found here.