About the PFA
KCEPS Parents and Friends Association (PFA)
Welcome to the Parents and Friends Association page.
We are a group of parents and friends who are committed to fundraising for our school.
Meet the Committee:
Chairperson: Cat Raitt
Vice-Chair: Victoria Tomlinson
Treasurer: Jade Close
Secretary: Nadia Wood
What we do...
Our aim is to work with the School Staff and Governors to enhance the experiences of our children during their time at our school, often providing those little extras which make their time at school special. Past projects have included:
- Donations to support school trips
- Annual Christmas pantomime
- Happy lunchtime equipment
- Quiet area furniture and games
- Outdoor play equipment
- End of year ice lollies
We have a number of regular events which include cake sales, second hand uniform sales and the Christmas Fair. We are always thinking of new ways to raise money, so if you have any ideas, please do get in touch and let us know!
How can you help?
The success of the PFA depends on the continual cycle of parental involvement.
When children reach their final year at KCES and move on, as do their parents, so we really do need you! In return we hope we can help you feel more connected to the school and other parents and have a bit of fun along the way!
- Get in touch! Due to data protection rules, we do not have access to contact information you have given to school. Therefore, you will need to give us your details for us to keep in touch. Please pass your email address or mobile number to a member of the team or contact us via our Facebook page.
- Attend our meetings: We are a friendly bunch of mums and dads who have children at KCES. Meetings are held once a term, normally at The Kings Cliffe Club. Further details are publicised via the school newsletter and ParentMail. You don’t need to come to every meeting and you don’t need to contact us beforehand, just turn up if you want to get involved!
- Send us your ideas and feedback: You don’t have to attend our meetings if that’s not your thing or you are unable to make it, you can use our email address or Facebook page to send in any ideas, feedback or comments.
· Volunteer to help support one of our fundraising events. There are a variety of small ways you can help;
- Bake and donate cakes and biscuits for our bake sales. All donations are welcome!
- Donate used/unwanted uniform. Just let us know and we can arrange collection from the school office.
- Support our events whether it be helping to setup or clean down, manning a stall or thinking of new ideas!
- Follow our Facebook page where we publish lots of information about our upcoming events Facebook.
Contact us
To find out more or to help with the P.F.A. email us; kcespfa@gmail.com