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Online Safety

Please check regularly the parental controls on all your computers, tablets and mobiles to ensure your child is safe online.  The following link gives advice to parents and takes you to the free practical guides from Internet Matters.

E-Safety or Online Safety.

Staying safe online is an increasingly difficult part of both parents and childrens' lives.  We hope the information on this page can help everyone to stay safe. If you have any doubts or queries please ask a member of staff who may be able to assist you by pointing you in the direction of further help and advice.

Through the response from our parent questionnaire on how you would like to receive information, we have put together an informative E-Safety slide show for your information.  

E-Safety is extremely important in today's technological society and we would strongly recommend you take a look at this.  You will find note pages at the bottom of each slide that gives you lots of information and ‘food for thought’ on this very serious matter.

Download the CEOP E-Safety slide show here.

The children have also written an E-Safety policy which you can find and download from here under our policies page of our website – please share this with your children along with the tips and advice given in the slide show.

Here are some links that you many find useful for when your children are using the Internet.  We encourage parents to look at these pages with their children so both can understand how to use the internet safely but keep it informative and fun.

For children at Key Stage 1
(ages 4 to 7 years) click here

For children at Key Stage 2
(ages 7 to 10 years) click here

We appreciate that technology and the internet move so fast it's often difficult for parents to keep up. To know what their children are doing on line, to understand the implications and potential dangers. We would therefore encourage all parents to talk openly and freely to their children about on line safety and to assist you with the sort of questions to ask yourself and your children we have provided this link to the "Childnet International" web site which we hope will be helpful.

We encourage all our children to be vigilant online and to be S.M.A.R.T.

Our online safety policy can be found below.

In addition to this, the school subscribes to a monthly newsletter aimed at helping parents keep up with the rapid changes to online activities and to the safety of children.  It brings up-to-the-minute reports on the latest online trends such as apps and games and how you can help keep your children safe.  We will keep them on this page with the latest edition at the top.

Furthermore, your ISP (internet service provider) should be able to help you with filters and safety settings if you ask them.

A clever little e-safety video is available here:

On-line advice and support for parents on E-Safety

Further advice and support can also be found through the links below.

Further sources of information and help:

Click here to see the latest E-Safety newsletter written by Simon Aston NCC e-safety officer.

NSPCC. Full of helpful advice about sharing information online and how to keep safe.

Our mission is to provide children, families, carers and professionals with advice, training and practical tools to prevent bullying and protect young lives

Child Exploitation and Online Protection command

Fighting for young People's Mental Health

Specialists in Online Safety Training for Schools

We equip school staff, parents and pupils with the knowledge they need to understand online dangers.

This is a brilliant resource for parents and children alike. Here you can find information about apps, games and websites with reviews from parents, children and professionals. 

Childline has a fantastic website full of information to feel you to feel your best. You can make your own account and use the resources to cheer you up and calm you down. There is plenty of help and advice on this page if you are having a tough time. Remember you can always speak to the trusted adults at school too! 


TikTok: what parents need to know

Please follow this link to find out more about keeping your child safe when using TikTok. 

A guide to Live Streaming

A guide for parents on LiveStreaming.