King's Cliffe Endowed School Governing Body
The governing body at King's Cliffe Endowed Primary School is chaired by Mr Lee O'Connor ( and consists of:
- 1 Head Teacher (must be on the body)
- 2 Parent Governors. (to be elected)
- 1 Staff Governor (to be elected)
- 1 Local Authority Governor (appointed by the LA)
- 2 Foundation Governors (appointed by King's Cliffe Endowed Trust)
- 5 Co-opted Governors.
The total number of governors is 12.
Parent governors are elected by parents of children at the school. Foundation governors are appointed by the KC Endowed School Trust. Co-opted governors are appointed by the governing body on the basis of skills and expertise in particular areas and the LA governor is appointed by the local authority that maintains the school (North Northamptonshire County Council).
The composition of the school’s governing body therefore reflects a comprehensive range of groups from the community and enables the governing body to draw on a wide variety of skills and experiences.
You can contact any member of the governing body through the school office.
The three main functions of the governing body are:
- To provide a strategic overview by the setting aims and objectives for the school and by adopting policies and setting targets for achieving those aims and objectives,
- To monitor and evaluate the school’s progress towards achieving its aims and to act as a “critical friend” to the Headteacher by supporting and challenging them in managing the school,
- To ensure accountability to the pupils, the parents, the local community, the local authority and the staff with the aim of raising standards and improving the outcomes for the pupils at the school.
The governors are not responsible for the day-to-day management of the school; this is the Headteacher’s role. The Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team are also responsible for the implementation of the strategic framework established by the governing body, the implementation of the school’s policies and the internal organisation of the school.
The Headteacher provides regular strategic information and advice to the governors to enable them to fulfil their functions and reports to the governing body on the school’s progress.